Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Got a Broken XBOX 360? Here Are Your XBOX 360 Repair Options

It's game time, and you've revved up your Xbox 360 for your gaming session. The drive starts whirling, the mesmerizing ring of green light glows bright, and you remove a game from its case. Then suddenly, it happens.

Your gamer's dream turns into a nightmare.

That beautiful glowing ring of green light has turned red, and you know that your gaming days are finished until you can find a suitable method for Xbox 360 repair.

What do you do now? Where will you find a resource for Xbox 360 repair? How will you rid yourself of that red ring of despair?

You could always send it to Microsoft, if you want to pay the price. And it's no small price you'll pay.

How about $140 plus shipping? Well, that's what you'll be charged if you want Microsoft to do your Xbox 360 repair and your warranty has expired. What's even worse is that you'll have to endure a 6 to 8 week wait until your console is returned to you.

"No sweat," you say. "My Xbox is still under warranty, so I'm fine."

Well, not really.

You'll still be required to pay shipping costs, and that's at least $25. Then you have to figure out how you'll pack up your console. You'll have to make sure it's safely packaged for its lengthy and perilous journey to an industrial area in McAllen, Texas - smack dab on the U.S.-Mexico border. That's right, your prized Xbox will spend at least a month in an industrial border town.

You are in great need of Xbox 360 repair. So what will you do? What about the tips you'll find online?

A prime example of this is the "Towel Trick". This wacky myth says that you can fix your Xbox just by wrapping it in a towel.

If you know about the "Towel Trick," then you probably also know that it's utterly useless and probably dangerous. A popular blogger recently said that you're more likely to start a fire with your Xbox 360 than fix it with this method. As you've probably realized, these quick fix myths that you hear about on game forums and sites just don't do any good.

Your final option for Xbox 360 repair is to dismantle the machine and try to fix it on your own. Many gamers have tried this since the introduction of the 360, with mixed results. They've achieved success on some occasions, and it has resulted in calamity in others.

Up until now, this method had involved soldering bad connections inside the machine. But this isn't something the average gamer should try to do. We're not talking about a cheap toaster. This is a high tech piece of electronic equipment. If you tinker around without guidance, you'll probably damage your console even worse and possibly void your warranty.

So it seems you're stuck. You need an Xbox 360 repair, and Microsoft is too slow, too expensive, and too inconvenient. So what will you do?

The good news is that there are expert websites set up by technicians with lots of experience fixing Xbox systems. They know the inner and outer parts of the machine like the back of their hands, and they've put together repair manuals telling you exactly what you'll have to do to repair your Xbox.

By utilizing this information, you can fix your Xbox at home assured of the fact that you aren't risking yourself, or your Xbox. Another great feature of these sites is that they offer detailed video tutorials to guide you through every step.

What's nice about this option is that you can try it out and see how it works for you. If you don't make any progress, you can still send it to Microsoft. None of the techniques described will cancel your warranty.

If you're wondering how to repair xbox 360 take comfort in knowing that's it not complicated as long as you know the steps to follow.

Click Here to check out the top xbox 360 repair guides and get your xbox back up and running right away!

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