Sunday, July 5, 2009

Haul Out the Lifeboats - the Titanic is Sinking!

Sinking ships on the net are a too often found occurrence. People seeking their fortunes with misconceptions of grandeur and success are unwillingly "jumping on board" with every project imaginable without a clue on how to effectively promote on the internet.

The story goes on, "my buddy just called and he has this amazing new product, let's jump on board and make some money!" That single phrase has separated more good people from their hard earned wages than anything else on the net today. Dispel the rumor that there are ways to make "quick money" on the internet or anywhere else.

Internet marketing is exactly like offline business. Are there offline businesses where one can come in with an investment, and be making $10000 in just a few short weeks? Unequivocally...NO!

Why then, do people consistently spend money in hopes of making significant rewards on the internet. What would make internet marketing any different from an offline business? Answer...NOTHING!

The bottom line...hard truth...telling it like it is attitude is this...there are no castles in the digital air.

Time, effort, training, actually sitting and learning time-tested techniques, visualization on what is to be accomplished, and then the final act of WORKING is what is needed for success on the net.

There is, in fact, nowhere else today that potentials are greater than on the net, but most are unwilling to actually learn the significant techniques to obtain that success.

Leading people down the primrose path is steadily becoming the disenchantment of folks desiring a new life and a new approach to living. Most will fail...but taking that statement, and turning it into a success story is highly possible on the net today.

One must have the fore-sight to learn the skills that will empower them to achieve that success. One must be willing to do the time...expend the effort...learn the rules...and then for God's sake...think originally about that project and the best way to approach it, before clicking on the "I Agree" button at the bottom of the contract.

Butch Hamilton is an SEO|SEM Specialist. Living on the internet has become a way of life...a succesful way of life. His talents for obtaining top positions on the search engines have led him to the point in his life where he has always wanted to be.

"Life-What a Ride!"

Says Mr. Hamilton, "Writing has always been my passion. Gone are the days when I placed blatant ads on the internet for exposure. I have found my life's work in writing articles.

Reliable and credible information is what the internet is all about to Butch Hamilton. His experience as a self employed building contractor...steel fabrication...has led him on an incredible journey.

He now resides in his beautiful home in Texas with his wife. Writing is the passion behind his successful promoting ability on the net.

Butch Hamilton's Quote: "What we think-is what we become."

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